Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Universal Periodic Review

This is a report (hence called UPR) that the United States has given to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Some of the countries represented on the UN Human Rights Council are China, Cuba, Libya, Mexico, Pakistan, Russia and our old friend Saudi Arabia. We are reporting to this group of people what we are doing on the Human Rights issue. So I decided that someone had to read all 29 pages of the UPR. Here are some of the highlights of what I found. Is it as bad as what Fox News has made out? Maybe, you will have to read it all to decide for yourself. While there are positive things said about the USA it seems the bad outweighs the good. In the following I’m going to give you the page number and the paragraph number and a short breakdown on what is being said. If you’d like more info feel free to go to the website and read the whole thing. So hold on to your butts here we go!

Page 6/#23 Unions and how there are bills in congress that will strengthen the workers’ rights to unionize.

Page8/#28 Members are trying to enact laws so that voters can correct inaccurate rolls and vote the same day.

Page 8/#31 We are not happy with the numbers of Blacks without a job or who don’t own a house. Does anyone think having a job has to come before owning a house, no matter what color you are?

Page9/#34 LGBT More crap about hate crimes. Potus wants the repeal of don’t ask don’t tell and repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. I guess he was for it before he was against it? http://www.justice.gov/crt/crim/249fin.php

Page12/#44 ILO or the International Labor Organization (a UN group tied to the AFL/CIO) who hasn’t had a meeting with the US labor department since 2000 now they are meeting again.

Page 14/#54 Administration will go along with International court of justice and the “Avena” decision. http://salt.claretianpubs.org/sjnews/2004/04/sjn0404d.html

Page17/#67 FDR and the “Four Freedoms” speech.


Page20/# 79&82 This is about Obama and his “Nobel Lecture”. Yes, his Nobel Lecture.

Page20/#83 GITMO On POTUS second day he implemented orders about GITMO.

Page21/#84 No more water boarding.

Page 21/#86 No torture.

Page21/#87 The President is going to close GITMO. Seems like we’ve all heard that before.

Page23/#92 They have the guts to use a Regan Quote about the US is still a beacon, still a magnet etc. What would Regan say?

Page23/#93 DHS has overhauled their thinking and are less likely to deport illegal aliens.

Page23/#95 Arizona SB1070. Need I say more?

Y’all owe me one for reading this monster for you and bringing it to your attention.


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